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1. Nasty Odors
When you don’t wash your clothing as often as recommended, or reasonable, the items may begin to develop some strong smells and unpleasant odors. Including body odor, musty mildew smells from putting clothes away while wet from sweat, etc. If you are wearing clothing to workout in or it’s a hot day and you are sweating a lot, it’s probably a good idea to wash the items after each wear.
2. Unsightly Stains
During a normal day, your body secretes a variety of oils, additionally dribbling your coffee or that spaghetti sauce at lunch will make stains on the items. If you do not treat and launder stains, no matter how small or insignificant, they will set, and you will likely never be able to get the stains out.
3. Gross Germs
Germs and microbes will accumulate on unwashed clothing. The longer you wait to wash something and the more time you wear it the more you are exposing the items to other people’s germs. Germs can and will stick to your clothing. These germs can accumulate over time. Additionally, the more germs on your clothing the more germs you are bringing into your home.
4. Irritable Skin Issues
Body oils, germs and other contaminants that accumulate on your clothing can cause irritation. Depending on the chemicals, germs, or oil acidity you could have a reaction. Resulting in a rash, itchiness, or other illness.
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