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Curb the Chaos this September


Benefits of Soap Opera Laundromat Our Laundromats have giant washers and oversized dryers (please see specific location for actual number of washers and dryers and pricing.)  We also have many washers and dryers, this means that for a family with several loads of laundry you can do multiple loads at once and save time.

Advantages of Wash-Dry-Fold Services If you are busy and just don’t have time right now to do your laundry at home, check out our drop-off services.  We will wash your laundry, dry it, and fold it.  You just need to drop it off and pick it up, and then put it away. This frees up time to do other errands, go to your son’s football game, attend that school open house, etc.

Commercial Laundry Available Too Going beyond standard laundry services, our laundromat can provide commercial laundry services to a wide range of businesses throughout the Chicagoland Area. Laundry services are done per each business’ specification and a monthly billing can be set up for most business accounting needs. Clients include:

  1. Barber/Beauty Salons

  2. Equestrian Centers

  3. Clinics: Sleep Disorder, Physical Therapy, Eye, Chiropractor

  4. Fitness, Health Clubs, Spas, Sports Medicine & Wellness Centers

  5. And many more clients too numerous to mention.

September Special At Soap Opera Laundromats we want you to be happy, relaxed, and enjoy your fall.  This September we are offering FREE pick-up and drop-off laundry services.  Call to arrange a pick-up time and we will take care of your laundry chores for you. Our commitment to customer care and service has really set us apart from our competitors. Soap Opera Laundromats cater to our customer’s every need. We will provide you with great service with the most competitive prices. We not only meet our client’s expectations, we exceed them! Please review our services and let us know how we can serve you.  We believe that our success depends upon our customer’s satisfaction. We guarantee you’ll be glad you called.


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